
Showing posts from 2016

Grant of Dearness Relief to Pensioners who are in receipt of provisional pension-Revised rate effective from 1.7.2016 on implementation of decision taken on recommendation of 7th Central Pay Commission.


Pilot run of e-Revision Utility of CPAO for 7th Central Pay Commission Revision of Pension.

CPAO/IT&Tech/Revision/7th CPC/2016-17/19.Vol-111/207 23/12/016 Office Memorandum Subject:  Pilot run of e-Revision Utility of CPAO for 7th Central Pay Commission Revision of Pension . Revision of about 9.5 lakhs Pre-2016 pension cases & 16000 post-2015 cases have become due as per recommendations of 7th CPC. As per instructions of DP&PW dated 4/08/2016, pension cases of Pre-2016 pensioners have been revised by the banks by applying the multiplication factor of 2.57. However, pension of post-2015 pensioners needs to be revised by concerned PAOs. At present, these cases are being revised through COMPACT and physical authorities are sent to CPAO for authorization of pension. As COMPACT does not provide the facility of sending online Revision Authorities under the digital signatures of concerned PAOS to CPAO, CPAO has to walt for physical Revision Authorities for the validation of PAOS’ signature and special seal. Due to this, the process of pension revision becom...

Processing of Pension Cases Mandatorily through 'Bhavishya' (Online Pension Payment Tracking System) w.e.f. 01/01/2017


Certificate of re-marriage/marriage -Reg


Travelling Allowance claim to the Family of Deceased Govt. Servant: Time Limit of 1 year can be extended as per rules.

No.19016/1/2015-E.IV Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure North Block, New Delhi Dated the 21st December, 2016 Office Memorandum Sub:- Applicability of provision below SR-147 to the family of deceased Govt. servant, in special circumstances- clarification regarding. Various references are being received in this Department seeking clarification from this Department as to whether Rule below SR-148 for admitting Travelling Allowance (TA) claim by family of deceased employees beyond one year period of the death of the employee is also covered under GoI decision 2(iii) below Rule SR-147 which provides that ‘TA to Central Government servant on retirement may be availed of by a Government servant who is eligible for it, at any time during his leave preparatory to retirement, or within one year of the date of his retirement and powers to extend the time-limit of one year will be exercised by the Administrative Ministries/ Department...

Delinking of revised pension from qualifying service of 33 years: More than 25 thousand cases are pending

F.No.CPAO/Co-ord/(107)/2016-17/542 Government Of India Ministry Of finance, Department of Expenditure, central Pension Accounting Office, Trikoot-II, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi – 110066 Phone:011-26178990 e-mail: Dated: 20th Dec, 2016 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Sub:  OM No.38/37/08-P&PW (A) dated 6th April, 2016 of DP&PW : Delinking of revised pension from qualifying service of 33 years. Attention is invited to previously issued OMs to Ministries/Departments/ AGs/UTs by CPAa on the subject mentioned above. It is observed that progress in disposal of such cases has declined in spite of repeated requests for early settlement of pending cases and out of 89,481 cases,25,692 cases are still pending for revision. To avoid delay in payment of revised pension and arrear to the pensioners, special drive is required to clear these cases It is requested to clear all the pending revision cases by 31 st December, 2016. PAOs may be instru...

Fixation of pay of re-employed Pensioners–Treatment of Military Service Pay

RBE No.153/2016 Government of India Ministry Of Railways Railway Board No.E(G)2013/EM 1-5 New Delhi, Dated 15-12-2016 The General Managers All Zonal Railways and PUs etc. (as per Standard list) Subject: Fixation of pay of re-employed Pensioners–Treatment of Military Service Pay Attention is invited to instructions contained in DOP&T’s OM No.3/19/2009-Estt: Pay -II dated 8/11/2010 on the above subject which was circulated to the Railways for implementaion vide Railway Board’s letter No.E(G)/2013/EM 1/4 dated 24/7/2013. However,Federation (NFIR) has pointed out that aforesaid instructions are not being complied with by the Zonal Railways/PUs etc. Therefore, Board desire that the aforesaid instructions should be complied with strictly while fixing the pay of ex-servicemen who are re-employed ont he Zonal Railways/PUs etc. Please acknowledge receipt. sd/- (D.Joseph) Dy.Dir./Estt.(Genl)

Revision of provisional pension sanctioned under Rule 69 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972

No.38/49/2016-P&PW(A) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare 3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan Khan Market, New Delhi New Delhi, the 30th November 2016 Office Memorandum Sub:-  Revision of provisional pension sanctioned under Rule 69 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 The undersigned is directed to say that in pursuance of Government’s decision on the recommendations of Seventh Pay Commission, orders for revision of pension of pre-2016 pensioners w.e.f 1.1.2016 have been issued on 4.8.201 6. 2.The following categories of pensioners are drawing provisional pension under Rule-69 of the CCS (Pension) Rules based on their pre-revised pay/pension- (i)Retired before 1.1.2016 and sanctioned provisional pension under Rule-69 of the CCS (Pension) Rules on account of departmental /judicial proceedings or suspension. (ii)Suspended before 1.1.2016 and sanctioned provisional pension under Rule-69 of the CCS (P...

Grant of privilege passes/pto

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Rate of Dearness Allowance applicable............

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Allotment of RAC berths to passengers


introduction of alternate train accommodation scheme (Vikalp) dt : 14.12.2016

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installation of POS machines at various locations of Indian Railways dt : 10.12.2016

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Procedure for Generating Jeevan Pramaan / Digital Life Certificate (ver1.0)

1. What is Jeevan Pramaan (JP):  There are more than one crore pensioners in the country including pensioners from Central Government and Defense personnel. These pensioners get their due pension through Pension Disbursing Authorities (PDAs) such as the banks, the post offices etc.  Pensioners are required to furnish a “Life Certificate” to these PDAs in November every year either by presenting themselves personally or by delivering a life certificate in the prescribed format. The requirement to produce this certificate causes huge hardships particularly to the aged and or / infirm pensioners.  Launched by Hon. PM Shri. Narendra Modi ji, on 10th Nov 2014,  Digital Life Certificate for Pensioners Scheme of the Government of India, known as the Jeevan Pramaan (JP)  seeks to address this very problem by digitizing the whole process of securing the life certificate. It enables the pensioner to generate a digital life certificate using a soft...

Merger of Grade Pay: CAT Judgement on Section Officer/Sr. Section Officer Case on the issue of Fixation of Pay

GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) S.No. PC-VI/ 371 No. PC-VI/2014/MISC/04 New Delhi, dated 24.10.2016 The General Manager/ CAOs, All Zonal Railways/ Production Units (As per mailing list) Sub: Sharing of judgement - Judgement dated 09.09.2016 of CAT / Patna Bench in OA. No. 441/2014 (Dharmendra Singh & Ors Vs UoI Ors) on the issue of fixation of pay with reference to higher pre-revised pay scales of the upgraded/ merged scales w.e.f the date of promotion. A number of court cases have been filed by the employees viz. Section Officer (A)/ Sr. Section Officer (A) etc. (in the pro-revised scales ofRs. 6500-10500/ 7450-11500) of various Railways before various benches of Hon‘ble Central Administrative Tribunal seeking fixation of pay in the revised pay structure of grade pay of Rs. 4800/- based on upgraded pay scale in pre-rcvised terms viz. Rs. 7500-12000 from the date of their promotion. Similarly, some employees of certain other categories in...

EPFO fixes 8.65% interest rate for PF deposits, cut from 8.8%

ET Bureau | Updated: Dec 20, 2016, 12.31 AM IST NEW DELHI:Keeping in line with falling interest rates, organised sector workers will earn 8.65% on their  provident fund  savings this year.  This follows a decision by the apex decision-making body of the Employees Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) to reduce interest rate on provident fund deposits to 8.65% for 2016-17 from the current 8.8%.  Although union representatives on the EPFO board of trustees sought for the rate to be retained at last year's level, the agency opted otherwise. The move is in line with the falling rate regime with the RBI cutting key lending rates and banks reducing deposit rates following the demonetisation move last month.  "Taking into account relevant factors, the Central Board (of Trustees) decided to recommend 8.65% interest to its subscribers for 2016-17. Roughly 17 crore subscribers' accounts will be updated with this interest rate upon acceptance by the government,"...

Dearness Relief from 01.07.2016 @ 132%: Order issued for Employees on absorption in PSU/Autonomous Body

F. No. 42/15/2016-P&PW(G) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare 3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan, Khan Market, New Delhi - 1 10003 Date: 16th Dec,2016 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject :- Grant of Dearness Relief to Central Government Employees who had drawn  lump sum amount on absorption in a PSU/Autonomous body and are in receipt of 1/3rd  restored commuted portion of pension. - Revised rate effective from 1.7.2016. The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s OMS 42/06/2016-P&PW(G) dated 11th April. 2016 and 42/15/2016-1’&PW(G) dated 16.11.2016 wherein it was decided to issue separate Dearness Relief orders to the Central Government employees who had drawn lump sum amount on absorption in a PSU/Autonomous body and are in receipt of 1/3rd restored commuted portion ofpension and to say that the President is pleased to decide that the Dearness...