Breaking News

PAN India Smart card for Railway Pensioners under way but they may have to shell out extra money for it
After failure of Zonal Railways except Eastern Railway to implement Railway Board’s orders vide 2007/H/28/1/RELHS/Smart Card dated 18.07.2012 for issuing Samart Cards to RELHS beneficiaries for cashless treatment in medical emergencies. Ministry of Rlys is now working on long pending demand of Bharat Pensioners Samaj for issuing PAN India smart card for cashless treatment in medical emergencies. Proposal is pending with Financial Commissioner Rly Board who on  has promised to clear it early .  PAN India Smart Card which will be valid throughout the country for cashless treatment of RELHS beneficiaries  in emergencies will be linked to Aadhar Card.

Secy.General Bharat Pensioners Samaj                                                                      29.12.2015


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