Entitled members of family and dependent relatives on Privilege Pass issued to widows appointed on compassionate grounds: Railway Board Order

Entitled members of family and dependent relatives on Privilege Pass issued to widows appointed on compassionate grounds: Railway Board Order


No. E(W) 2015/PS 5-2/4/Misc.
New Delhi, dated 25.08.2015
General Manager (P)
Northern Raitway
New Delhi.
Sub: Entitled members of family and dependent relatives on Privilege Pass issued to widows appointed on compassionate grounds.

Ref: Northern Railways letter No.89/P/Privilege Pass Policy/Pass/14 dt. 08.07.2015.

With reference to NR’s fetter cited under reference, it is clarified that if a widow appointed on compassionate grounds exercises the option to avail pass facilities as a Railway servant, she is entitled to Privilege Pass/PTOS alongwith her family members and dependent relatives in her capacity as railway servant. She is also permitted to include her widow mother-in~law in the pass in terms of Advance Correction Slip No.37 to the Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986 (2nd Edition-1993) issued vide Board’s letter No.E(W) 2001 PS5-1/3 dated 24.09.2001.

2. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Dte. of the Ministry of Railways.

(Debasis Mazumdar)
Director Estt.(Welfare)
Railway Board

Source: http://www.indianrailways.gov.in/railwayboard/uploads/directorate/establishment/E%28W%29/2015/Pass_Widows_250815.pdf


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