A dream started coming true

A dream started coming true
C.G. & State Govt employees & Pensioners’ leaders decide to pursue common issues jointly.
Decades earlier I used to dream &  wonder, why central & State. Govt. Employees State Govt. employees & pensioners cannot come together to pursue their common aspirations & seek redressal in deficient arrears. For years I had been posing   this question to the persons in field .Last year in Nov. during a visit to Luck now.   I happened to meet Sh. Shiv  Shankar Dubey President Federation of Retired Diploma Engineers(now an affiliate of BPS), discussed the issue with him. Sh. Dubey defeating his age took the initiative & started working on it from Lucknow itself & succeeded on 19.07.20014 in convening a conference of the leaders, of state & Central  Govt. Employees as well as leaders of Pensioners’ Federation (BPS)at  N.Delhi under the chairmanship of Com. Shiva Gopal  Mishra Genl  Secy N C JCM  .31 C.G., State employees & Pensioners  leaders assembled in the library  of AIRF at 4 state entry Road Ne Delhi. Took a decision to take up the common issues jointly & constituted an adhoc  co-coordinating committee with com. Mishra as convener. Thanks to  Com . Sihiva  Gopal Mishra & Dubey ji a new vision is emerging & my dream has started coming True.

Secy.Genl. Bharat Pensioners Samaj


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