Justice prevails


The AP State Government Retired Employees Association and AP Pension Samaj and others had filed a case in AP Administrative Tribunal  challenging the cut-off date of 25.5.1998 for implementation of last pay drawn for computation of  basic pension and won the case.  AP Government filed an appeal in High Court of AP on 3.1.2002 against Tribunal’s judgment and the same was dismissed on 23.12.2003.  Thereon, the AP Government  filed a Special Leave Petition (Civil Appeal No.5367 – 5368/2005) in the Hon’ble Supreme Court.  The SLP was dismissed by the Apex Court on 30.4.2014.

This is a great victory for AP State Government Pensioners.

R.L.N. Ratnam,
State General Secretary,APSGREA Hyderabad.


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