
Showing posts from August, 2013

Bharat Pensioners Samaj made History at Nagasaki (Japan) on 03/08/2013

                                      Bharat Pensioners Samaj made History at Nagasaki (Japan) on 03/08/2013    When carrying BPS Good wishes for the people of Japan J.N.Rao BPS  V.P.(WZ)& Director of Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space India Chaired the opening session of  World conference Against Atom and Hydrogen Bombs . The 2013 World conference Against Atom and Hydrogen Bombs was held at Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan from 3 rd August to 10 th August 2013. Conference was organized by the GENSUIKYO. The opening session Chaired by           J. Narayana   Rao, BPS V.P(WZ)& Dir.   Global Network against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space India was attended by representatives from 26 Countries along with 200 delegates from Japan. The declaration adopted in the Internation...

STATUS OF THE CASES OF PRE 2006 PENSIONERSS IN VARIOUS COURTS : AS ON 16.08.2013 COMPILED BY M. L. KANAUJIA, IRSSE / Chief Communication Engineer, N.E. Railway, (Rtd.)

STATUS OF THE CASES OF PRE 2006 PENSIONERSS IN VARIOUS COURTS : AS ON 16.08.2013 COMPILED BY M. L. KANAUJIA, IRSSE / Chief Communication Engineer, N.E. Railway, (Rtd.)

Dopt Orders - Extension of RTI web portal for online filing of RTI application

No.1/1/2013-IR Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Department of Personnel & Training North Block, New Delhi Dated: 12/08/2013 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject:  Extension of RTI web portal for online filing of RTI application. In continuation of this Department's O.M. of even number dated 22/04/2013, it is intimated that the facility of RTI online web portal has been extended to 37 Ministries/Departments of Government of India, so far (list enclosed). This facility would be extended to all the remaining Ministries/Departments of Government of India with effect from  21 st August, 2013 . This facility is presently not proposed to be extended for field offices/attached/subordinate offices. 2. It is again requested that training to all the CPIOs and First Appellate Authorities (FAAs) may be provided by the concerned Ministry/Department, through the officials trained by DoPT/NIC. If required, further training can be p...

BPS demands- EPS 95 Pensioners to be brought under DOP & PW


BPS demands interim relief for Pensioners


BPS magazine August 2013 issue

BPS-Magazine e.issue-August 2013


CENTRAL GOVERNMENT PENSIONERS’ FORUM, ANDHRA PRADESH D. Prabhakar Rao                  M. Somasekhar Rao                           Sk. Mahboob    President                              General Secretary                                 Treasurer      9490313416                              ...