

Bottom of Form
1. MOS Shri V. Narayanasamy

2. In reply  to  appeal by  S.C. Maheshwari  to the Honorable  minister,  to apply to all pre 2006 pensioners the cabinet  decision of 24.9.2012 taken  in case of defence Pensioners . Secy.AR, PG. & Pension replied : “Some decision being taken which will be communicated within few days”

3. It is finally decided that 19 P&T dispensaries will be merged with CGHS

4. Incase there is no record/documents available to prove genuineness of the person(other than spouse) Claiming family pension. Legal  heir  certificate issued by the competent court shall be accepted.

5. Issued of revised PPO shall  be expedited . Pensioners/Family pensioners should apply for revised PPO if not already applied.

6.Case of pre 1996 Pensioners who retired from the 4th CPC scale of 4500-7000  will be discussed with Railway Board officers on 28.09.2012

7. RELHS facilities to divorced & widowed daughter: Director Health (Plg)Railway Board will do the needful

8. Online g  grievance redressal through CPENGRAM/dissemination of information in real time :All departments assured of action to improve the situation.

9. Two family pensions to widows of re-employed ex servicemen

10. Widening the Scope of Pension Adalat: As per DOP&PW : All matters relating to the Pensioners/family Pensioners can be taken up by the Pension Adalat except cases involving purely legal points and grievances involving Policy matters

11.Smart Cards issued to RELHS beneficiaries in Delhi/NCR will continue And will be revalidated.


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