Breaking News

Breaking News

1.Orders regarding increasing validity of Privilege/Pos retirtement Pass from 120 days to 150 days are likely be issued next week
2.As demanded by BPS RELHS is likely to be reopened shortly & this time it is likely to be made open ended.


gopalaswamy said…
i am a retired rly. employee residing about a km from divisional rly hospital but i have not and do not intend to join RELHS I have my legal rights to choose any medical facility At the same time i cannot claim fixed medical monthly allowance(FMMA)of Rs. 300/- per month as i stay with in 2.5kms from rly hospital. what is the rationale and criteria in fixing 2.5 kms why not 0/1/1.5/2/2.5 or more kms. this i feel arbitarary and irrational. when i do not like to choose relhs irrespective at what i stay from the rly hospital i should be given FMMA. Otherwise i feel it amounts to descriminatin and deprivation of right to life and holding my property (Money is property ) illegally, amounting to 'ultra vires'Artical 14; 21& 300 A
of the Constitution.
Kindly use your good offices to rectify this anomaly which would help scores of hapless old retired persons. kindly reply to
with regards
gopalaswamy. h.n'
#6 / 2. temple st. 4th main ; v.v. mohalla.
mysore-570002 -- karnataka ph 0821 2516062
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