RELHS-Railway health services _Streamedlined after protracted correspondence by BPS -Please read All-These are two letters dated 27.8.024 & 29.8.024
Healthcare Services – Instructions for Railway Employees: Railway Board Order dated 27.08.2024 भारत सरकार GOVERNMENT OF INDIA रेल मंत्रालय MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS रेलवे बोर्ड RAILWAY BOARD No.2024/I & Trans. Cell / Healthcare Services/P New Delhi, Date: 27.08.2024 The General Manager PCMDs, PCPOs DG, CTIs DG, RDSO All PHODs All Indian Railways Subject: Healthcare Services – Instructions reg. With the objectives of enhancing patient satisfaction and accessibility of IR Health Services, the following has been decided: I. OPD (Out-Patient Department) Registration: OPD Registration would start from 30 minutes before OPD timing. QR Code based instant OPD Registration is available. All OPD Clinics to have QR Code displayed outside. Those requiring assistance in registration to utilize OPD registration counter which will function during OPD Hours. Facility of online OPD registration through HMIS app is also available. General OPD in all Railway Hospitals: 0830 hours to 1500 hours ...