
Showing posts from June, 2018

Revision of criteria for Diet charges for patients admitted in Rly hospitals

Revision of criteria for Diet Charges for patients admitted in Railway hospitals GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) No. 2005/H/23/6 New Delhi, dated : 13.06.2018 General Managers All Indian Railways (Including PUs & RDSO) Sub: NFIR’s PNM item No. 30/2018 – Revision of criteria for “Diet Charges” for patients admitted in Railway hospitals—regarding. Ref: This office letter of even number dated 29.10.2010. The issue of revision of criteria for free/concessional diet for patients admitted in railway hospitals has been engaging the attention of Ministry of Railways for some time. In the meantime, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India vide their Office Memorandum no S.11011/11/2016-CGHS (P)/EHS dated 09.01.2017 have revised the criteria for diet charges respect of CGHS medical beneficiaries. The Basic pay ceiling for free diet in respect of CGHS beneficiaries has been revised as under: (i) Basic pay / pension / family pension eligibl...

In response to BPS representation RBI issues following Circular

Reserve Bank of India RBI/2017-18/205 DGBA.GBD.No.3214/45.01.001/2017-18 June 21, 2018 All Agency Banks (dealing with pension payments) Dear Sir / Madam Customer Service provided by agency banks Please refer to our circular no.DGBA.GAD.H-3085/45.01.001/2008-09 dated October 1, 2008 on the captioned subject. 2. We are receiving complaints from various quarters that pensioners are not being treated with due consideration by bank officials, specifically the old pensioners, when they come to the branches for pension related transactions. 3. Thus, all agency banks disbursing pension are advised to provide considerate and sympathetic customer service to the pensioners, specially to those pensioners who are of old age. Yours faithfully (ParthaChoudhuri) General Manager  Reserve Bank of India

Removal of age limit of 25yrsof medical facilities

Removal ge limit of 25 years of medical facilities for dependent children of serving Railway employees and pensioners GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) No.2017/H-1/2/10/R.C.F. New Delhi, dated 18.06.2018 The General Manager, All Indian Railways and Production Units, The Director General/RDSO, Lucknow and The Chief Administrative Officers, DMW, Patiala and Rail Wheel Plant, Bela, Patna. Sub: Removal of age limit of 25 years of medical facilities for dependent children of serving Railway employees and pensioners. Ref: Board’s letters no.2008/H-1/2/15 dated 16.02.2009 and 22.02.2018. The matter of providing medical facilities to son of Railway employees/pensioners after being unemployed has been under consideration of this Ministry due to various representations received from different forums. Similar representations have also been received on the issue of providing medical facilities to divorced or widower son. Ministry of Railways has decided not to ...


All India Consumer Price for Industrial Workers (AICPI) for May, 2018 is announced.It is 289 points. In April 2018 DR as per calculations today stands at 9.5% SCM Secy Genl BPS

Our Govt is fully committed towards ensuring a happy & hassle free life ...


EPFO nod likely soon fr minimum Rs 2000 EPS Pension

Policy EPFO nod likely soon for minimum Rs 2,000 EPS pension By ET Bureau | Updated: Jun 24, 2018, 11.43 PM IST A parliamentary panel had recently asked the government to assess Employees’ Pension Scheme 1995 and consider revision of minimum monthly pension of Rs. 1,000. The Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) is expected to soon give its go-ahead to the proposal of doubling monthly pension for EPS subscribers to Rs 2,000. This would benefit at least 40 lakh subscribers and cost the Centre a minimum Rs 3,000 crore per annum. The issue, though not listed on the agenda for the upcoming central board of trustees’ meeting of EPFO on June 26, is likely to be tabled after permission from the  labour minister , who is the chairman of the board. The Union Cabinet had in 2014 approved a minimum pension of Rs 1,000 a month for a year and later extended it till perpetuity in 2015. The differential cost of Rs 813 crore per annum to pay the min...

Bharat Pensioner Monthly magazine June 18 issue

Bharat Pensioner June 18 Issue click here to read Posted by S.C. Maheshwari at 12:49 Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest

Removal of age limit of 25 years of medical facilities for dependent children of serving/retired Rly employees


Restoration of full pension to absorbee defence pensioners


CPAO : Acceptance of Digital Signatures


Implementation of 7th CPC - CPAO meeting with Banks = Minutes


Clarification regarding admissibility of DA on Transport Allowance at pre-revised rates from 01.07.2016 @132% and from 01.01.2017 @ 136%: Noting of DoE 21/5/2017-E-II(B) Pt.

Clarification regarding admissibility of DA on Transport Allowance at pre-revised rates from 01.07.2016 @132% and from 01.01.2017 @ 136%: Noting of DoE 21/5/2017-E-II(B) Pt. Department of Expenditure E.II(B) Section Reference PUC I to III, (p.1/NLF of DOT, p2.3/cor.,p.u.6/cor.) References have been received from Department of Telecom, D/o Revenue and Central Secretariat (Promotee Assistants) Association seeking clarification regarding admissibility of DA on Transport Allowance at pre-revised rates from 01.07.2016 (@132%) and from 01.01.2017 @ 136% 2. As per recommendations of 7th CPC, rates of Transport Allowance had been revised w.e.f. 01.07.2017.  Details of rates during 6th CPC and as prescribed by 7th CPC are given below: Employees drawing pay in Pay LevelRates of Transport Allowance per month as per the recommendation of 7th CPCRates of Transport Allowance per month as per the recommendation of 6th CPCEmployees posted in the Cities as per Annexure-IEmployees posted at o...

Running allowance of running staff should be taken into account for working out Notional pay of Pre 2016 running staff retirees

Bharat Pensioners Samaj is vigorously chasing the issue and may be able to give some good news shortly S C Maheshwari Secy Genl BHARAT Pensioners Samaj

Procurement of Generic Medicines under CGHS through M/s HLL. – CGHS Orders

Procurement of Generic Medicines under CGHS through M/s HLL. – CGHS Orders Government of India Ministry of Healtth and Family Welfare Department of Health & Family Welfare Directorate General of CGHS No:Z.15025/DIR/CGHS/2018/Procurement Policy Drugs Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi 110 011 Dated the 12th June, 2018 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject:- Procurement of Generic Medicines under CGHS through M/s HLL., regarding With reference to the above mentioned the undersigned is to convey the approval of Competent authority for procurement of Rate Contracted Generic Medicines under CGHS through M/s HLL, till 30th Novemeber, 2018 as per the details given under: i) During the first three months the indents prepared (CGHS Wellnes Centre-wise ) shall be submitted to M/s HLL on monthly basis by Addl. Director, CGHS(MSD) in Delhi and by Addl Director, CGHS of the concerned city, in cities outside Delhi. ii) The initial indents shall be based on approx requirement of each Wellness Cen...

Government must cease to be a compulsive litigant. The philosophy that matters should be left to the courts for ultimate decision has to be discarded. The easy approach, “Let the court decide,” must be eschewed and condemned.Says honourable Supreme Court of India judgement 24.4.18 in Dairy No 8754 of 2018 UOI vs Prithwai Singh


Your take-home salary may come down as govt plans higher basic income: report-Courtesy Business Standard

Your take-home salary may come down as govt plans higher basic income: report The government is reportedly mulling reforms in labour laws to make sure employers do not keep basic income low in order to reduce employees' contributions towards social security schemes.   BusinessToday.In         Last Updated: June 14, 2018  | 15:08 IST If reimbursements and allowances form a major component of your take-home salary, then be ready for some changes in your salary structure. The government is reportedly mulling reforms in labour laws to make sure employers do not keep basic income low in order to reduce employees' contributions towards social security schemes. According to a report in Business Standard, the government has proposed that salaries should be structured in such a way that allowances for house rent, leave travel, etc. are capped at 50 per cent of the basic pay. Whatever employers offer as salary beyond thi...

Revision of pension as per 7th CPC to retired employees of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan-Reg.


Grant of Non-functional Up-gradation to Indian Railway Medical Service officers.

OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) RBE No. 83/2018 New Delhi, Dated:- 08.06.2018 PC-VI No. 386 No.PC-VI/2009/I/4/R-6/1 The General Managers/CAO(R) All India Railways & Production Units, (as per mailing list) Sub : Grant of Non-functional Up-gradation to Indian Railway Medical Service officers. Ref : (i) Railway Board’s letter No. PC VI/2009/I/4/R-6/1 dated 27.11.2009 (RBE No.209/2009) & 29.07.2010 (RBE 107/2010) (ii) Railway Board’s letters No.PC-V/2008/ACP/2 dated 07.01.2009 (RBE No.05/2009) Attention is invited to Railway Board’s letter No. PC VI/2009/I/4/R-6/1 dated 27.11.2009 (RBE No.209/2009) circulating DOP&T’s OM No. AB. 14017/64/2008-Estt(RR) dated 24.04.2009 & 25.09.2009 for adoption in favour of Railway Officers of Organised Group `A’ Services in PB-3 and PB-4. 2. It was subsequently clarified by DOP&T vide their OM No. AB.14017/39/2009-Estt.(RR) dated 02.04.2012 that the benefit of NFU to Organised Gro...

Revision of pension pre 2016 Rly running staff : RTI reply received by BPS customer care executive


Delegations of powers on Medical matters Ref: Railway Board letter no. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dated 18.10.2017


Contractual engagement of retired railway staff on “Consultant-cum￾Coach” basis for preservation of Railway Heritage.


Delay in commencement of family pension, Timely restoration commuted pension & commencement of age related additional pension- Department of post orders


New senior citizens bill can reduce abuse of elders

MALA KAPUR SHANKARDASS New senior citizens bill can reduce abuse of elders Zoom Bookmark Share Print Listen Translate It mandates the establishment of tribunals at a micro­level to spare seniors the tedium of the judicial process As the problem of abuse of the elderly is becoming a serious concern in different parts of the world, many countries are bringing legislations to stop abuse, abandonment and neglect of older people. In India, the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (MOSJ&E) has formulated a draft Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens (MWPSC) Amendment Bill, 2018 to be placed before Parliament. The amended bill takes care of many of the lacunas in the 2007 MWPSC Act to ensure better care and maintenance for the parents and senior citizens. It envisions preventing abuse and abandonment of parents and senior citizens by their kin. It extends to the whole of India except Jammu & Kashmir. Himachal Pradesh has its own act for senior citiz...

Smartphones making elders feel neglected, says study

Around 65% of the respondents (elders) complained that extreme attention given to smart phones and computers by the young was disrespectful to them. TECH   Updated: Jun 15, 2018 07:56 IST Smriti Kak Ramachandran   New Delhi, Hindustan Times The annual study by HelpAge India, a charity that works with and for the disadvantaged elderly, focussed this year on the impact of social media and technology vis-Ă -vis abuse of the elderly. (Getty Images/iStockphoto) Senior citizens in India nurse the feeling that they are being neglected and disrespected because of all the attention that their adult children devote to their smartphones and the social media, according to a report published on Thursday, the eve of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. The annual study by HelpAge India, a charity that works with and for the disadvantaged elderly, focussed this year on the impact of social media and technology vis-Ă -vis abuse of the elderly. “Each year we ...

Let's build strong support for elders and stop elder abuse

Let’s build strong support for elders and stop elder abuse THE ASIAN AGE. | MALA KAPUR SHANKARDASS Published : Jun 14, 2018, 2:04 am IST Updated : Jun 14, 2018, 2:04 am IST Institutional care provisions for older people must also deliver quality care and stop abuse and neglect.  There is very little information available to older people that safeguards them and informs them about provisions in the country which can equip them to deal with their lives. The month of June becomes very significant for senior citizens across the world. Around June 15 every year, a day launched by the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (INPEA) and the World Health Organisation (WHO) at United Nations as the World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD), generally for a week or two before and after both developed and developing countries observe various events to mark the day. This year too many groups of people, mostly NGOs, civil society members at ti...

Rules governing disbursement of pension by Banks to Central Civil Pensioners

Rules governing disbursement of pension by Banks to Central Civil Pensioners Click here to read

EPFO for higher pension to EPS subscribers- courtesy ET 

EPFO for higher pension to members12 Jun 2018, 1402 hrs IST After a long wait, there is some good news for Employees' Pension Scheme (EPS) subscribers. EPS members eligible for higher pension, post a Supreme Court judgement, but were being turned away by provident fund offices can now get their dues thanks a recent circular by the Employees' Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO). The EPFO has started pushing its offices to give higher pension to those EPF members who are eligible for it based on a landmark judgement by the Supreme Court in October 2016. The apex court's judgement had directed the EPFO to revise the pension on higher wages of the petitioners under EPS. Also Read: Can you also get a manifold hike in lifetime pension from EPFO? Find out However, it seems some field offices are yet to implement the same and have been delaying the process in the garb of non-availability of explicit instructions from the EPFO head office. EPFO head office has taken this ma...

Rly Medical Identity Cards - Uniformity and renewal




Appointment on compassionate grounds- Suitability Test- regarding – RBE 81/2018

GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) *****                                                                                                                                                                 RBE No. 81/2018 No. E(NG)II/2018/RC-1/GenI/17                                ...