
Showing posts from December, 2013


Wish that the coming year is a glorious one that rewards all your future endeavors with success. Happy New Year 2014  S.C.Maheshwari

Disbursement of pensionary benefits to all the combined service pension optee absorbed employees of Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL)

Press Information Bureau  Government of India Ministry of Communications & Information Technology  26-December-2013 13:27 IST Disbursement of pensionary benefits to all the combined service pension optee absorbed employees of Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL)  The Union Cabinet today approved the erstwhile all categories (Group A, B, C & D) of employees of the government absorbed in MTNL and who have opted for combined service may be given similar treatment in the matter of payment of pensionary benefits as available to the absorbed employees of BSNL. Accordingly, consequential amendments to the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, adjustments in respect of Government pension liability previously discharged by MTNL and proposed change in methodology in pension contribution as per FR-116 upto 31.12.2005 on the maximum of the IDA pay-scales and with effect from 01.01.2006 on the actual pay drawn in the IDA pay-scales will be made....



Grant of full sets of post retirement Rly. passes after 20years of Service

Grant of full sets of post retirement Rly. paGrant of full sets of post retirement Rly. passes after 20years of Servicesses after 20years of Service

Revision of 1/3rd commuted portion of pension Rly. Board orders dated 11.12.2013


STATUS OF THE CASES OF PRE 2006 PENSIONERSS IN VARIOUS COURTS : AS ON 19.12.2013 COMPILED BY M. L. KANAUJIA, IRSSE / Chief Communication Engineer, N.E. Railway, (Rtd.)

Click here to read-STATUS OF THE CASES OF PRE 2006 PENSIONERSS IN VARIOUS COURTS : AS ON 19.12.2013 COMPILED BY M. L. KANAUJIA, IRSSE / Chief Communication Engineer, N.E. Railway, (Rtd.)

Pensioners Day.The 17th December

D.S.Nakara  8.4.1914 - 29.72009 Every year we celebrate Pensioners day to pay homage to the great soul of D.S.Nakara who tirelessly fought a legal battle for the self respect & dignity of entire the community of Pensioners, he relentlessly pleaded in the apex court  which resulted  in  the Land mark   judgement on 17.12.1982 in Writ petitions numbers 5939-41 of 1980. Wherein the apex court clarified all the issues connected with pension. The Honorable Supreme court ruled,"A pension scheme consistent with available resources must provide that the Pensioner would be able to live : (I)                 free from  want, with decency, independence and self respect and (II)              at a standard equivalent at pre retirement level (III)           Pensioners for...

Rly Pensioners National Digest a monthly News letter of NFRP-National Federation of Rly Pensioners' MOU partener of BPS

Click here to read Rly Pensioners National Digest a monthly News letter of NFRP-National Federation of Rly Pensioners' MOU partener of BPS

Enhancement of salary limit of Employees Provident Fund-BPS efforts are likely to bear fruits

Posted:   15 Dec 2013 05:31 PM PST Enhancement of salary limit of Employees Provident Fund Enhancement of salary limit of Employees Provident Fund is considering to Rs.15000..! While answering to a question in Parliament, Minister of State for Labour and Employment Shri Kodikunnil Suresh said that A proposal for enhancing the wage ceiling from Rs. 6500/- to Rs. 15000/- and reducing the threshold limit from 20 to 10 under the Employees Provident Funds & Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 are under consideration of the Government. A proposal for providing a minimum pension of Rs. 1000/- to member pensioners under Employees’ Pension Scheme, 1995 is also under consideration of the Government.


CENTRAL GOVERNMENT PENSIONERS’ FORUM, ANDHRA PRADESH D. Prabhakar Rao                  M. Somasekhar Rao                           Sk. Mahboob    President                              General Secretary                                 Treasurer      9490313416                              ...
ENTITLEMENT FOR ECHS MEMBERSHIP 1. Further to central Org ECHS letter No B/49764/AG/ECHS dated 10 Oct 2003. 2. With imediate effect, ECHS facilities have been extend to dependents as applicable in CGHS vide MH & FW letter No 4-24/9G-C&P/CGHS (P) dt 31 May 2007 (Copy attached) Annexure 3. VA : Age Limit for Dependent children  Text of MH & FW OM No. 4-24/96-C&P/CGHS/CGHS(P), dt. 31.5.2007 Age Limit for Dependent Children of Government Servants and Pensioners for availing Medical Facilities under CGHS and Central Services (MA) Rules, 1944 The undersigned is directed to state that the age limit for dependent sons and daughters was earlier fixed vide Office Memorandum, No, B-12014/7/92-CGHS(P)dt. 31st December, 1993, issued by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, according to which for sons to be dependent on his father/mother, he had to be less than 25 years of age or till he started earning, whichever was earlier.  As a res...

ATTENTION: Pre-2006 Defence Civilian Pensioners / Family Pensioners

ATTENTION: Pre-2006 Defence Civilian Pensioners / Family Pensioners  NOTIFICATION  Government of India  Ministry of Defence  Principal Controller of Defence Accounts (Pensions)  Draupadi Ghat, Allahabad – 211014  ATTENTION: Pre-2006 Defence Civilian Pensioners / Family Pensioners  Revision (as per 6th CPC) of pension / family pension of Pre-2006 Defence Civilian Pensioners / Family Pensioners has been carried out by Pension Disbursing Agencies (PDAs). Corrigendum PPOs for this pension revision are to be issued by PCDA (P) Allahabad based on the information to be provided in the prescribed format available on the website of PCDA Pension, by Pensioners / Family Pensioners / PDA / Head of the Office from where the Government Servant retired. No application is required from Pensioner / Family Pensioner whose Corrigendum PPO has already been issued as per 6th CPC.   2. Pensioner / Family Pensioner may download the Applica...

Issuance of corrigendum Pension Payment Order of Pre-2006 Defence Civilian Pensioners/ Family pensioners in terms of the recommendations of 6th CPC.

Issuance of corrigendum Pension Payment Order of Pre-2006 Defence Civilian Pensioners/ Family pensioners in terms of the recommendations of 6th CPC. OFFICE OF THE PR. CONTROLLER OF DEFENCE ACCOUNTS (PENSIONS) DRAUPADI GHAT, ALLAHABAD- 211014 Circular No. 114 Dated: 09-12-2013 Subject:  Issuance of corrigendum Pension Payment Order of Pre-2006 Defence Civilian Pensioners/ Family pensioners in terms of the recommendations of 6th CPC. Reference: This office circulars Nos. 57, 62 & 102 dated 17-09-2008,12-11-2008 and 11-02-2013 respectively . Attention is invited to this office Circulars no. 57, 62 and 102 dated 17-09-2008, 12-11-2008 and 11-02-2013 respectively, under which orders regarding revision of pension/family pension of pre-2006 pensioners have been circulated for immediate implementation of Government orders. Further, it is intimated that the issue of corrigendum PPO in respect of Pre-2006 Defence Civilian Pensioners/Family Pensioners is un...

Criteria for Setting up of CGHS Dispensary

Criteria for Setting up of CGHS Dispensary - Minister reply in Lok Sabha Press Information Bureau  Government of India Ministry of Health and Family Welfare  13-December-2013 13:34 IST Criteria for Setting up of CGHS Dispensary  The criteria fixed for setting up a Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) dispensary in a particular area are as under: (i) In an existing CGHS city: For opening of a new Allopathic CGHS dispensary in an existing CGHS city, there has to be a minimum of 2,000 Card holders (serving employees of Central Government and Central Civil pensioners).  (ii) Extension of CGHS to a new City: For extension of CGHS to a new city there has to be a minimum of 6,000 Card holders. However, due to financial and other resource constraints it is not always possible to adhere to the above criteria. Keeping in view the financial and other resource constraints, a decision has been taken  not to expand CGHS to cover new c...

Beacon Light of Pensioners movement and Centenarian Sri V.S. Devasundaram passed away in the early morning of 10th December 2013. He was 104

PENSIONERS’ MESSIAH DEVASUNDARAM IS NO MORE Beacon Light of Pensioners movement and Centenarian Sri V.S. Devasundaram passed away in the early morning of 10 th December 2013. He was 104 and survived by 4 sons, 4 da The ughters and a horde of 60+ grand and great-grand children. He was founder Organizing Secretary of the All India Federation of Pensioners’ Association which initially functioned from his residence. He was also one of the visionaries who felt the need for an exclusive journal on pensioners needs and services and helped in bringing out the handy journal “Pensioners” Advocate”. He then rose to be it President too. His untiring efforts and bargaining tactics fetched us the entitlement of Dearness Relief. Commencing his service as a staunch Trade Union leader working with doyens like T.V. Anandan,  V.V. Giri, S. Guruswamy,  K. Anandan Nambiar, M. Kalyanasundaram, and other veterans, he dedicated his entire service to the cause of Railway employees and afte...

Bharat Pensioners Samaj Monthly Magazine December 2013 issue

Click here to read Bharat Pensioner Samaj Monthly Magazine 2013 Issue

Telgu Pensioner Nov. 2013

Click here to readTelgu Pensioner Nov.2013

Simplification of Pension process for permanently disabled children, siblings and dependent parents.pdf

Simplification of Pension process for permanently disabled children, siblings and dependent parents.pdf

Expected IDA Increase From January 2014 for PSU Employees

Expected IDA Increase From January 2014 for PSU Employees Expected IDA from January 2014 for PSU Expected IDA Increase From January 2014 for PSU Employees The Expected IDA w.e.f.  01-January-2014  may increased by 4.5% to 5.8% i.e upto from 90.0% to 91.3% depends upon the Average All India Consumer Price Index Number (Industrial Worker) of the months September-2013, October-2013 & November-2013. The  AICPI of the months Sep'13, Oct'13 &Nov'13 will be declared on 31-October-2013 & 29-November-13 &31-December-2013 respectively. The  AICPI of the months Sep'13 & Oct'13 are 238 & 241 as it is declared on 31-October-2013 & 29-November-2013 respectively. Even if there is no increase in AICPI , there will be IDA Increase by 4.5%. The actual IDA will be declared on  31-December-2013 . AICPI of Sep'13: 238 AICPI of Oct'13: 241 Top 10 Projections: S.N. Expected CPI of Nov'13 Avg. CPI Projected ProjectedIDA (%) Proje...


                      STATUS OF THE CASES OF PRE 2006 PENSIONERSS IN VARIOUS COURTS : AS ON  01.11.2013                          COMPILED BY M. L. KANAUJIA, IRSSE / Chief Communication Engineer, N.E. Railway, (Rtd.) Item HEARD BY PETITION NO. & YEAR LEAD PETITIONER NEXT DATE FIXED FOR HEARING               REMARKS IN BRIEF 1 CAT-PB Delhi OA 1165 / 2011 Pratap Narain & Ors Vs. MOP/DOP 19.12.13 Case is for modified parity plus full pension on  20 years of service w.e.f. 1.1.2006. Govt. submitted its Counter on 11.07.12. Copy of Counter received on 17.12.12 and four weeks time was allowed for submiss...