
Showing posts from November, 2013

Picture story Pt II BPS 58 AGM

View live speeches of diganataries click URL : Chandramowli Secy C.G. & postal & DAN Sarma MCM D.N.Chapke President AISCCON President AIRROA Secunderabad S.C.Maheshwari Secy Genl. BPS M.Somasekhara Rao. VP (SZ) BPS Shankar Rao  Genl. Secy. SCRMU Bimalandu Ckakraborty Secy (RLY) BPS R.N.Dutta VP.(E.Z) BPS M.K.Kapse Genl Secy NRPA C.Rly -Ajni  receiving award Prakash yende Secy EPS 95 BPS Vasandhrajan Representing NFRPA Palghat Karlekar Genl Secy AICGPA Pune Prakash yende Secy EPS 95 BPS Ratnam Genl. Secy. AP State Federation

Picture story Pt III BPS 58th AGM

View live Speeches of dignataries Click URL: Sridhara AIFPA Chennai Delegate  Sudhakaran NFRP Palghat Delegate Prof. Bala Agreed to give free office accomodation at Hyd SV.Deshpandey Secy. BSNL BPS Harchandan Singh Secy. (NZ) BPS R.N.Tripathi Wkg President BPS R.N.Tripathi Wkg President BPS

Picture story Pt I of 58th AGM BPS

View Live speeches of dignitaries Dr K.R.Gangadharan.Chief Guest arriving at venue Dr .K.R.Gangadharan being garlendin  S.G.Mishra Genl Secy AIRF arriving at the venue S.C.Maheshwari Secy. Genl. BPS greeting S.G.Mishra Genl Secy AIRF  Chief Guest Dr.K.R.Gangadharan president IFA relesing Souvenir DR Gangadharan praising Souvinir while addressing the audience at 58th BPS AGM S.G.Mishra being presented BPs Plaque Genl. Secy AIRF addressing 58th BPS AGM S.G.Mishra Genl. Secy AIRF  awarding Daya Maheshwari Memorial Trophy to SEC.Rly Pensioners Association Nagpur DR. Gangadharan President IFA awarding S.P.Vatta memorial Trophy to C.G.Pensioners Association Mizoram  S.C.Maheshwari garlending S.G.Mishra Dias of 58th BPS AGM D.N.Chapke President AISCCON being garlended by DAN Sarma Singing of Vande Matram Singing Vande  M...

BPS 58th AGM Proceedings & Resolutions adopted on 17.11.2013

  BPS- 58th AGM at Secunderabad on 17.11.2013       58 th AGM OF BHARAT PENSIONERS SAMAJ AT SECUNDERABAD ON NOVEMBER,  17, 2013 . ----  A BRIEF REPORT ---- 1.        Over 1000 pensioners from Hyderabad, Secunderabad & vicinity along with 876 delegates from different parts of the country thronged the sprawling premises of Keyes high School Secunderabad where the 58 th BPS   AGM was held on 17.11.2013.       Exactly at 10AM  Working President BPS   R.N. Tripathy   took the  Chairs on the Dias 876 Delegates   , coming from different part of the country, covering wide range of states, such as Manipur, Mizoram, Assam, West Bengal, Bihar, UP, Punjab, Maharashtra, Rajisthan, Gujarat, Odisha, Tamilnadu, Kerala,Karnataka,Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Delhi etc., representing pe...