Pensioners celebrate"29th PENSIONERS' DAY On 17TH DECEMBER 2011

Pensioners celebrate"29th PENSIONERS' DAY On 17TH DECEMBER 2011 Er.S.C. Maheshwari, Secy (Rly.).BPS It was on the 17 th December 1982, that the Supreme Court of India in a landmark judgment in the case of D.S. Nakara and others vs. Union of India, held that : Pension is neither a bounty nor a matter of grace depending upon the sweet will of the employer. It is not an ex gratia payment, but a payment for past services rendered . Pensioners in India, therefore, celebrate this day as ‘Pensioners Day’ to salute and remember, with gratefulness, the late D.S. Nakra who fought for years to bring dignity and grace to the community, through this judgment. On this day it is important to counter the contention: 1. That the pension of Government employee is a burden on the exchequer. 2. That the rapid growth observed in the pension payments is likely to pose a serious threat to fiscal sustainability & 3. That providing subsidy based pension program to a few people cannot be susta...